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Collecting Money

Some bloggers do blogging just for fun and some others use their blog as money machine, and I use my blog for both. To collect money online is difficult and easy, it depends on the blog quality. Huff... Talking about quality of the blog  will never end because there are so many ways to improve the blog quality. And at this time I do not get you to talk about it, I just wanna you read this story and learn from Nasreddin's idea, here is the story

Nasreddin was collecting some money from his neighbours. Whenever he came to his neighbour he always said, " Brother, I'm collecting money to pay a poor man's debt. I must do it because he is not able to pay back the money."

One of his neighbours said, That's a very good act!" Then, he gave Nasreddin several coins. He said further, " you're right, Nasreddin. We have to take a pity on the poor.

Hiding from a Thief

Hehee..Hiding from a thief,  Is it crazy or brilliant idea? Just read it !

One night a thief was breaking into Nasreddin's house. Coincidentally Nasreddin saw it. Then he hid in a big box in the corner of the room quickly.

The thief started searching for money or jewelery in the house. He opened the cupboards, drawers, wardrobe but he could not find anything. He was almost desperate and wanted to go out through the window. When he walked to the window he saw a big box in the corner of Nasreddin's bedroom near the window. He was glad because he thought that there was jewelery or much money inside.
The box was tightly locked from inside. Yet, he could open the door hardly. He was very surprised to find Nasreddin inside the box. The thief was angry and said, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I hide from you," said Nasreddin.
"I'm ashamed because I don't have anything that you can take. That's the reason why I hide here," answered Nasreddin.

Anggaran bulanan kursus di Kampung Inggris

Kawan blogger yang bersahabat, kali ini saya berbagi informasi tentang anggaran bulanan kursus di Kampung Inggris, dengan harapan dapat membantu kawan-kawan blogger yang lagi cari informasi biaya program, biaya camp, biaya hidup, dsb. selama kursus di sana.

Sebelum kawan-kawan berangkat ke Kampung Inggris (Tulungrejo dan Palem) saya sarankan untuk menentukan tujuan terlebih dahulu, jangan hanya sekedar kursus bahasa Inggris saja, sebagaimana yang kita ketahui bahasa inggris dipilah-pilah dalam beberapa fokus studi seperti Speaking, Pronunciation, Grammar, Translation, TOEFL. Sehingga kawan-kawan bisa mengatur program

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