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Mbah Maridjan meninggal dalam posisi sujud
Mbah Maridjan, sosok terkenal sejak beliau dipercaya sebagai juru kunci Gunung Merapi 15 Mei 2006, bahkan beliau dipercaya sebagai icon suatu produk minuman berenergi, namun pada 26 Oktober 2010 sekitar pukul 17.00 Gunung Merapi kembali meletus, ada apa dengan Mbah Maridjan?

Dua jam sebelum Gunung Merapi meletus, Mbah Maridjan masih tersenyum dan menyapa ramah para tamu yang datang ke rumahnya. Ternyata itulah senyum terakhir juru kunci gunung tersebut.

Saat ditemui di rumahnya di Dusun Kinahrejo, Desa Umbulharjo, Kecamatan Cangkringan, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, sekitar pukul 15.00 WIB, ia tengah bergegas
menuju masjid yang ada di sisi barat rumahnya untuk menunaikan salat ashar.

Before It's Late

Sometimes we do not realize when we do the wrong thing, as was done by Nasreddin in this story; 

It was a long dry season. Most wells were dry. So, Nasreddin asked his son to take some drinking water from a natural fountain. He handed a jar to his son. After that, he hit his son's face and said, "Be careful, don't break the jar!" The boy cried and left.

One of his neighbours knew the event. He felt a pity on the boy. He approached Nasreddin and said, "Nasreddin, your son is a nice boy. Why do you hit him?"

"In order not to break the jar, "Nasreddin answered.
"You're not wise, Nasreddin. The jar is not broken, but you have hit your son."

"You're wrong, Nasreddin answered, "If I hit him after he breaks the jar, as most people do, it would be very late. And it is no use to do something late."

I'm half mad

Wow... I like the humorous stories of Nasreddin very much...and here it is one of the stories that I had read, the title is I'm Half Mad.

It was a fruit season. Almost all people at that country planted fruit trees. So did Nasreddin. He had a lot of grape trees. He picked two basketful of grapes and wanted to sell the grapes to the market. He put the two baskets on his donkey and brought them to the market.

It was a very hot midday. The market was still far before him. He stopped and had a drink in a food stall nearby. Then several men with several donkeys bringing grapes came and took a rest at the same food stall. After having lunch, they fell asleep. Nasreddin did not fell asleep. Seeing the men were sleeping, he went out. He began taking out some grapes from the men's basket and putting them into his. 

Suddenly one of them woke up and saw him. He shouted, "what are you doing!"

"Oh, I'm half mad. Sometimes I do strange things and do not know what I am doing,"said he.

"Really? Then why don't you sometimes take grapes from your baskets and put them into our baskets?" asked the man angrily. Meanwhile the other men woke up. They approached Nasreddin, Nasreddin was afraid.

"You don't understand me. I said I am half mad, not totally mad. So, I still differentiate which ones are my baskets and which ones others'. But I cannot differentiate where are others' baskets if mine are there also."

Kepada siapa anda meminta tolong saat anda berada di tengah Samudra?

"Kepada siapa anda meminta tolong saat anda berada di tengah Samudra?" Sebuah pertanyaan sederhana yang mampu memacu semangat juang yang luar biasa kuat bagi mereka yang mampu menjawabnya, pertanyaan ini bisa menjadi sebuah motivator pendongkrak motivasi hidup lebih positif, bisa meningkatkan adrenalin mereka yang mampu menemukan jawaban logisnya, di luar kontek agama dan kepercayaan, pertanyaan itu mampu membuat mereka menjadi jutawan muda bahkan milyarder, apakah anda mau/telah menjawabnya atau mungkin anda salah satu dari mereka (mampu menjawab)?

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